Trustworthy & Responsible Artificial Intelligence Learning

The ultimate Responsible AI journey

Providing all Artificial Intelligence (AI) practitioners, professionals and leaders with the foundational knowledge, skills and tools to responsibly design and conduct their artificial intelligence projects. 

Online & Live Micro-learning


Theory AND 


Why follow TRAIL?

Benefit from world class Mila expertise 

Learn from the first largest independent AI research institute in the world

Balance between
theory & practice

Uncover and apply for actionable learning

Live AND Online

Get the best of both worlds, where the flexibility of online learning meets the benefits of live interaction

Choose from specific modules

Gain targeted upskilling through specific modules that meet your needs

Curated resources

Among the multitude of available resources, access hand picked resources


Meet and interact with other professionals facing similar challenges


Our Courses

Certified TRAIL

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program to peers

Participant’s ability to mitigate
hazards after the program

See what our clients have to say!

#is unexpected | #is awesome | #has quality features | #saved my life | #is the best

This is for me a very valuable experience and I would recommend this training to other organizations.
Josh Stobbard
I would recommend this training to other organizations. It is a valuable opportunity to grow as an employer and improve our workplace culture.
Josh Stobbard
I learned a lot and now feel ready to implement these techniques into my organization. I would recommend it to other organizations. 
Josh Stobbard

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